Blogs are so much fun! I've spent the last year reading fantastic blogs and have learned SO much from so many amazing bloggers. I'm hooked! So I decided to jump in and create my own. I'll be learning how to do this as I go along, so bear with me.
"That Allison Girl" will be mostly about art and writing. Not the high falutin' stuff that bored you in school and made you think you could never call yourself an artist or a writer. Nope, this is going to be about the fun stuff - the kind of art and writing that takes many of us far too long to realize we CAN do and once we realize it there ain't no stoppin' us! There will also be some healing, self-nurturing stuff I've learned from others far wiser than me during the most difficult times of my life because that's when our spirits
really grow, right? And some pretty things, and some just-for-fun stuff and who knows what else? We'll find out as we go along.
Do you hear your inner artist calling you? Have you always had a secret longing to write but found it too intimidating - you know, too many rules and restrictions? Do you know you need to take better care of yourself and do some things that are
just for yourself, but don't know how to begin? Well, me too, and here I am starting at the beginning at a time in life when most folks have been doing what they love for years and years. So I hope you will jump in with me and enjoy being a beginning artist and/or writer and/or self-nurturer. I hope you'll choose all three!
What I'll be doing at first is bringing you links to other blogs I think you'll enjoy. I'll be sharing links to online workshops that I've taken and showing you the results. And believe me, these are art projects that if I can do, anyone can do!
I'll also be sharing my journals with you and showing you how to make your own. These are NOT your grandmothers' diaries! Don't spend money on those little lined books at the bookstore - too restrictive. You'll have WAY more fun making your own and it will be a work of art! Then we'll use our beautiful new journals for...well, whatever we want to use them for! But I'm jumping ahead. Must be the excitement!
My "Fairy Claudia" |
So here's the first thing I want to share. I just finished a little online art workshop called "Fairy Claudia" with Monica at
Hands and Heart. I had never painted with acrylics before, but it was only $15, so I decided to give it a try. Monica is a
great teacher, very easy to follow and so encouraging every step of the way. And right now she's offering a free online workshop called "Free Spirit" to everyone who adds her to their Facebook page! She's got some other courses on her site that I can't wait to try. Think I'll go sign up for one right now!