Sunday, May 1, 2011

Another day at Art & Soul

Yes, I am running out of steam, but not enthusiasm.  This has been another great Art & Soul retreat.  Today I took a class from the amazing and gifted Pam Carriker.  The class was called "Arcimboldo Style Self Portrait" and that's exactly what we created - self portraits in the style of the 16th century Italian artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo.  His work was considered bizarre in his day - and many still think it's strange - but it's lots of fun.  He created portraits by painting fruits, vegetables, fish and other organic items to form the features of the model.  We were instructed to come prepared with images of things we like to eat, see, hear, listen to and think about as well as a black and white profile photo of ourselves. We went through several steps to transfer a line drawing of the photo onto watercolor paper, then began to fill in with the images we'd brought.  Then there was some painting, some glazing, some other steps and we were done!  Here's mine:
Kathy's "Arcimboldo Style" self-portrait
Here are a couple of other tags from Lesley Venable's classes that I forgot to include in yesterday's posting.  The one on the left is a transfer done with plastic wrap; the one on the right is a transfer done with Contact paper.  Remember, these were technique classes - we were learning techniques, so this is not supposed to be a finished art project.  Very cool techniques, very easy to do and tons of fun.
Saran Wrap transfer on the left; Contact paper transfer on the right

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