Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I'm a CZT!

Back from Massachusetts and the Certified Zentagle Teacher training seminar hosted by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas, the creators and founders of Zentangle, Inc.  They are the loveliest people and two of the most gifted artists it has ever been my privilege and honor to meet.  I am now a Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT) and am excited to already have a class scheduled through the Hampton Arts Commission in June.  You can learn more about Zentangle here and you can see and purchase Maria's incredible botanical prints and calligraphy here.  If you live in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia and want to know more about Zentangle, shoot me an e-mail.  I'm a CZT!

I really didn't mean to look so goofy - I was just so excited!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! Just add to the list of your many accomplishments! So proud of you! Hugs, Mary
